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NO Hoof … NO Horse.  Good Hooves are a Horse’s Best Insurance Policy!

Good Hoof Care

Without strong healthy feet, horses cannot perform at their best.  Weak hooves are a serious impediment to horses’ health and wellbeing, thus jeopardising fulfilment of the potential for which they were bred.

While there are a multitude of hoof and foot problems that affect horses, good hoof care can be the key to overcoming many of them and minimising further deterioration. Hoof care is a daily maintenance procedure and a keen eye for observing the health of the horses’ feet is essential. 

In the summer months it is important that the horse’s hooves are kept lubricated and supple as dry brittle hooves lose their resilience, predisposing the horse to impact and concussion injuries, which invite the onset of lower leg and joint problems.    Healthy supple hooves resist cracking and shoes stay in place longer with less breakage and damage caused by horseshoe nails.  Refitting lost or displaced shoes necessitates extra visits by the farrier along with a risk that the hoof growth is not sufficient to securely re fit the shoe.

For unshod horses, regularly trimmed, well-maintained and supple hooves are less likely to chip and break away.   Good hoof care is a must for horses to be successfully kept and worked barefoot.

In winter, supple well-lubricated hooves make a watertight barrier, reducing the horse’s susceptibility to abscesses, which frequently occur if horses are standing in the wet with limited opportunities for their feet to dry out.  Just like “waterproofing” canvas, the “proofing” treatment makes the fabric watertight, even in the worst weather conditions and daily foot care works in a similar way! Horse’s hooves absorb the specially formulated hoof dressing and repel moisture in a highly effective manner.

Waterlogged hooves are inclined to break down and lose their strength, making the farrier’s job very difficult.  When the hoof wall is waterlogged and weakened, the nails pull out easily allowing the shoe to be displaced or work loose and come off.  When some nails are still in tact, the shoe can pull off and take with it a large portion of the hoof wall, which was still attached to remaining nails. It takes approximately 1 year for a horse to grow a new hoof.   Tearing off a segment of hoof which extends half way up the hoof wall will take 6 months to grow back and this may put an end to work and training for the time it takes to re-grow enough hoof to allow a shoe to be securely fitted.

Well Maintained Hooves
Beautifully maintained hooves allow the horse to reach full potential.

Regular attention to the horse’s hooves will save money and minimise the prospect of down time caused by damage or inadequate hoof growth for the farrier to work with.    Well-maintained hooves look good and perform as nature intended, providing optimum shock absorption to protect the bones, joints and ligaments. 

Hoof Care Products

Hoof lubricants vary considerably and personal preference along with the condition of the horse’s hooves will dictate the ideal choice. 

Hoof Care Products

Saddleworld carries a large range of specialised hoof care preparations, which are used and recommended by Australia’s leading horse people.  The expert Saddleworld staff will help you to find the ideal product to suit your individual requirements.

Hoof Care Products

We have pictured some of the hoof Care products you will find at Saddleworld.

Go to for store locations or to access the 2016 Saddleworld Product Guide, which will help you with your personal or on-line shopping.  Happy riding!

Hoof Care Products